
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
[Marianne Williamson]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Happy Mother's Day

You know you're the mother of a toddler when...

you tie your hair up so you can hop in the bath with him

and the next day at bathtime you go to tie your hair up

only to realise

it's still tied in the knot from yesterday.

But I got Mother's Day kisses ;D

and that smile makes everything worthwhile!

Here are some more autumn leaves for Scribbit ;D

How far we have come in just one year!!!

I must remember to at least take time to brush my hair occasionally though ;P It is especially funny when I think that yesterday he kept handing his brush to me so I could brush HIS hair... maybe he was trying to tell me something?

1 comment:

Steff said...

OMG he is really losing that baby look - he looks so grown up
Happy Mothers Day